Thursday, January 20, 2005


reading read 20 min
English sentence w.s.
science p93 #1-7

Final full day of the first semester. We wind up things in the morning tomorrow and start fresh next week. -Mr. C

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


reading read 20 min
math ch6 review w.s.
science p93 #1-7
spelling corrections

The Starlab planetarium got pushed back to next week but ask your child about the constellation they made. -Mr. C


reading 20 min
math ch. 6 Wrap Up
science finish constellation

Was out sick yesterday, but here's the homework just in case anyone still needs it. -Mr. C

Monday, January 17, 2005


reading read 20 min
math p269 #1-23
English finish poem

Friday, January 14, 2005


reading read 30 min
math 6-9 w.s.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 13, 2005


reading finish red head w.s.
English sentence w.s.
math 6-8 w.s. Evens only
spelling study for test

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


reading Red Headed League w.s. complete by Fri
math p260 #2-30 E.O.E. (every other evens)
spelling finish w.s. p68-69; corrections

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


reading red headed w.s.
English sentence redo w.s.
math p255-56 #4-30 E
spelling practice on w.s.;
Spelling Bee tomorrow

We're raising money for the tsunami. We had a presentation on video today. -Casey

Monday, January 10, 2005


reading read 20 min
math fraction review w.s.
spelling pp66-67 on w.s.

The school is collecting to help aid the Tsunami victims. If you haven't had a chance yet and would like to, please consider sending in a donation with your son/daughter. We will be giving our collection to the Red Cross for distribution. -Mr. C

Friday, January 07, 2005


reading read 30 min
English sentence w.s.
science finish book

Finished a long first week of the year. Things are off to a good start. We should be changing a few things up over the next few weeks. Check the web site soon to see some of the changes. -Mr. C

Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Solar System

reading read 20 min
math p204-205 #2-36 E; study 5-1, 5-5, 5-6 for quiz
science finish planet book for Monday
spelling study for test

We are finishing up our unit on the Solar System. Students are making a booklet to demonstrate their knowledge of the material we covered. It is due by Monday and will count as a test grade. In 1 1/2 weeks we will have a portable planetarium brought in for some concluding activities which should be fun. -Mr. C

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Live Distant Learning Visit to NASA

reading read 20 min
English sentence w.s.
science cover to Earth
spelling finish w.s.

comment of the day: We took a bus to the high school, where we talked to a guy from NASA in Texas. It was fun and i hope that i get another chance to go to another thing like that.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy New Year!

reading read 20 min
English finish poem
math 5-5 w.s. #1-19
science solar system facts
spelling p63 on w.s.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I did a lot of cross country skiing and enjoyed spending time with my family. The students shared some interesting things they did over break as well. Here's wishing the best for a great year ahead. -Mr. C