Friday, November 30, 2007


science: read Ch4 sec2: Pollution though Indoor Pollution; do outline 2 to letter G
math: Estimating Products p 135 #1-22
reading: read 20 minutes minimum
English: At least 1/2 (200 words or more) into Draft 1 of picture book story

Thursday, November 29, 2007


science: resources w.s.
math: elapsed time
spelling: study
reading: read 20; study for quiz

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


science: resources outline
spelling: finish Unit 13 + corrections
reading: finish reading blue beaches and complete #1-6

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


science: finish list of resources used in 1 day
math: study for test; ch 3 wrap up in book; answers in back to check
spelling: unit 13 practice
reading: Blue Beaches vocab
English: at least 2 comments on blogs so far

Monday, November 26, 2007


I apologize for the late post.

science: list of resources used in one day; due Wednesday
math: p. 130 #1-12; Test Wednesday
spelling: Unit 13 Learn
English: comment on 2 blogs
reading: read 20 min

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


math: Thanksgiving multiplication

reading: read 40 minutes over the break

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


science: study chapter 3 for test tomorrow
math: metric capacity/mass pg 121 #2-54 E
spelling: Unit 12 review, plus study for review test
reading: read 20 min
English: Reflective Blog entry--we should have links up to their blog sites by tomorrow.

Monday, November 19, 2007


science: study for test Wednesday (p88-91 in book)
math: 3-9 Capacity and Mass
spelling: Unit 12 Review week
reading: read 20 min

Friday, November 16, 2007


science: chapter review guide; test next Wednesday
math: 3-8 metric measuring
reading: read 40 min

Thursday, November 15, 2007


science: aquatic ecosystems
math adding/subtracting decimals 3-7
spelling: study
reading: finish Master and Pupil story/vocab

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


math: model adding decimals p 101-102 #2-42 Evens
spelling: Unit 11 practice and corrections
reading: read 20 minutes

Monday, November 12, 2007


science: 10 tropical plants/animals
math: 3-4 problem solving
spelling: Unit 11 Learn
reading: read 20 min

Friday, November 09, 2007


math: p94+95 #2-34 even and #3-24 E
reading: read 40 min
English: blog entry #2

Thursday, November 08, 2007


science: biome w.s.
math: 3-3 comparing decimals
spelling: study
reading read 20 min
English blog entry

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

science: finish outline 2
math: 3-2 Writing decimals
spelling: finish unit 10
reading: read 20 min

Thanks to all who donated to the can-a-thon. Our class raised over 330 pounds for the drive!

Monday, November 05, 2007


science: Outline 2 on Biomes
math: w.s. 3-1 on Decimal Patterns
spelling: Unit 10 on /ü/ sound
reading: read 20 minutes

Reminder: Please donate cans for can-a-thon. We are also taking monetary donations from those who do not have time to do some grocery shopping right now :)
Mr. C

Thursday, November 01, 2007


science: ecosystem changes w.s.
spelling: study
reading: read 20 min

I apologize not posting homework Monday thru Wednesday but I was absent two of the last three days.